Last of the Summer Grind: Your Autumn Outdoor Checklist

As the months go by and the weather worsens, the next clear day might be your last chance to tackle any lingering outdoor maintenance jobs. How’s the week ahead looking?


Getting your garden and walkways in order now will help them withstand the winter months, but also make them safe to use when the wind, rain and ice properly set in. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the poor postman!

That in mind, here's a quick checklist, and some essential tools to help you get started:

Overhanging branches

These can fall in high winds or when weighed down by snow. Avoid the risk of them hitting someone and generally getting in the way by trimming back with a Tree Lopper, or a Ladder and Saw. There’s also a good selection of Shears and Electric Trimmers if you haven’t seen to the hedge yet.


Slippery paths and driveway

Treading cautiously every time you step out in the rain? Garden furniture turning a bit green? Give all that moss and algae a blast with one of our Pressure Washers and they'll be good for another year. Alternatively, we have this metal-bristled Patio Brush if you prefer the low-tech approach.

Fallen leaves

Leaf litter can get just as bad as a slimy path if left to rot, and is best removed before it blocks drains and gutters. One of our free Rakes would do the job, but if you have a large area to cover, why not give one of these Leaf Blower/Vacuums a whirl?

Blocked downpipes and guttering

...Okay, so you didn't get to that last task in time and now your yard looks like a water park. Act now to avoid costly water damage: choose the right Ladder then get up there with a bucket and Scoop.

Lawn care

Mowing and weeding might be the first things that come to mind, but autumn is an ideal time to aerate your lawn, improving drainage and air flow for healthy roots. Yes you could jab at it with a Garden Fork, but did you hear, some kind soul donated a professional Aerator and Scarifier?

Garden waste

All those offcuts have their uses too – don't be so quick to throw them away! Grass, leaves and twigs are great compost ingredients, any larger bits easily broken down with a Saw, Axe and Garden Shredder. The excess, Carted to a quiet corner out of your way, serves as shelter and nesting material for wildlife.

External repairs

General maintenance is a cost-effective way to keep your home warm and dry during the winter. Check out our wide range of Tools (many of them free to members), or read more about energy-saving techniques.


⚠️ Above all, please stay safe! We have a range of Safety Equipment available, but if you aren’t confident up a ladder or with powered machinery then choose the hand-operated option, or consider hiring a local professional. You’ll also find lots of useful resources on individual items’ library pages, such as instruction books, links to video tutorials and more.


Can you think of any of your own gardening or outdoor items you've finished using for the year? Why not lend them to Share Skipton for someone else to benefit from?

They'll be kept well maintained until you need them next, and you have the option to borrow them back for free. Just make sure to choose ‘lend’ when filling out the donation form. We’d appreciate it, and your friends and neighbours will too!

When you’re ready, sign up for a borrower account to unlock the collective potential of all garden sheds across Skipton! Check our Library of Things each week for new arrivals, and subscribe to our newsletter or social media accounts (both found below) for updates.


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